WorldEdit Guide

By MARTIN Published on

WorldEdit is a powerful tool used to modify worlds in a variety of ways. It can be used to create realistic landscapes, build complex structures quickly and easily, automate manual work, and more. WorldEdit is a valuable tool because it can help save vast amounts of time from what would otherwise be significant manual work. This article will explain the basics of WorldEdit along with tips, tricks, and other resources to get the most out of it.

Note: Many WorldEdit commands use a double forward slash (//) prefix. This is different from regular Minecraft commands that only have one (/).

The Basics


Gives you a wooden axe used for selecting a region that can be edited.

Making a Selection

Left-click a block to set your first position, and right-click to set your second.

WorldEdit selection confirmation messages.

The two positions create a cuboid shape.

Visualized cuboid region selection.

Alternatively, //pos1 and //pos2 can be used to select region points from your character’s leg’s current location.

//hpos1 & //hpos2

Selects respective region points to the block your character’s head is looking.


WorldEdit patterns are the instructions for how WorldEdit should generate blocks based on the command.

Single Block

Multiple Blocks


The % signs do not need to equal 100% as they are cumulative and divided by the total. The following example has a 3:4 ratio.

With Block States

Each block state must be inside brackets and indicated with a name and value.

With Random Block States

Each position will have a random block states for that block.


The contents of your clipboard.

and more!

Region Operations

With Patterns

//set <pattern>

Completely fills selected region with pattern.

//replace <new pattern>

Replaces all blocks in a selected region to new pattern.

//replace <original pattern> <new pattern>

Replaces all original pattern blocks in a selected region with new pattern.

//replacenear <radius> <mask> <pattern>

Replaces mask pattern in a radius of the player with new pattern.

//center <pattern>

Creates pattern at center of selcted region. Will be 1 block if odd on all sides, 2 if odd on one and even on the other, and 4 if even on all sides. Commonly used for determining the center of a region in general.

//overlay <pattern>

Finds the highest blocks in a selected region and places pattern on top.

//walls <pattern>

Builds walls from the top to the bottom of the outer selected region.

//outline <pattern>

Builds a box made of the pattern on the outer selected region.

Lines and Curves

//line <pattern> [thickness]

Creates a line from pos1 to pos2 when using //sel cuboid.

//curve [-h] <pattern> [thickness]

Creates a curved line from various points selected when using //sel convex.

With Selections

//stack <count> <direction>

Repeats a selection for a number of times in a certain direction. If no direction is added, the closest player direction will be used.

Clipboard Operations

The clipboard is similar to that of a computer where you can cut, copy, and paste. Instead of text, you’re copying blocks and entities.

Copy and copy-like commands (i.e. cut) copy the region relative to your in-game position. In other words, where you stand when executing these commands will change where they are pasted later.



Copies everything in the selected region.


Copies everything in the selected region and then removes it.


Pastes your clipboard content.

Manipulating Clipboard Content

Once you have copied or cut content to your clipboard, you can then modify it before pasting.

//rotate <degrees>

Rotates in y-axis degrees.

//flip [direction]

Flips clipboard to a direction like a mirror.


//undo [# of steps]

Undo one edit, or multiple edits if a number is passed.

//redo [# of steps]

Redo one edit, or multiple edits if a number is passed.


Wipes edit history. All previous //redo(s) and //undo(s) will no longer be available.


Commands that can be bound to an item and activated upon clicking a block.

//tool tree <type>

Paste a vanilla-style tree where you click.

Other Useful Resources