Community Guidelines

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Libre Galaxy is a community where it’s easy to discuss genuinely, learn something new, and have fun. We aim to foster a welcoming community where the contribitions of each unique individual are appreciated. Our Community Guidelines, henceforth “Guidelines,” ensure everyone finds belonging in an enjoyable and safe environment.

Libre Galaxy users must follow these rules, which explain what is and is not allowed. They apply to all parts of our platform, and include but aren’t limited to your content and behavior. We may consider relevant off-platform behavior when assessing for violations of specific guidelines. Our Trust & Safety team reviews reports.

When someone violates our Guidelines, several enforcement steps may be taken against them. These steps include, but aren’t limited to, issuing warnings, removing content, banning accounts and/or content responsible, and potentially reporting them to law enforcement. If you come across a user, message, or piece of content that appears to break these guidelines, please report it to us.


  • Treat everyone with respect and kindness
    Express your opinions in a constructive, polite, and respectful manner. Be open to the thoughts and opinions of others. Critique arguments and opinions, not people (do not personally attack).

  • Keep things appropriate
    Do not intentionally post content that could be distressing, hurtful, or inappropriate to others.

  • Acknowledge mistakes and offer forgiveness when appropriate
    We’re only human; mistakes are natural and expected. Upon making a mistake, acknowledge it, genuinely apologize if needed, and move on. When appropriate, offer forgiveness. Libre Galaxy is a space to learn and grow; mistakes make us stronger when we react to them appropriately.

  • Practice online etiquette
    Contribute to discussions. Beware of tone, strong language, capitals (yelling), and exclamation points. Don’t post disruptive or excessive messages, images, formatting, emoji, or @mentions.

  • Respect others’ boundaries
    Don’t send unsolicited requests or messages to others in direct message or chat. People may have boundaries, and not everyone appreciates receiving unsolicited messages. If need be, respectfully ask in a public space.

  • Don’t spread personal information
    Personal identifying information (PII) includes but is not limited to phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, passwords, account information, and names (first, last, etc.). It is up to the discretion of the individual to decide how much PII they want to share. Some community members are open to sharing some information about themselves, such as first names, while others want to share no information. We ask for everyone to seriously consider the implications before sharing. Refrain from sharing the PII of others unless you have explicit consent from them. Respect the wishes of those who do not wish to share PII, such as those who separate their online identities from their “real life” ones.

  • Don’t spread rumors, lies, or misinformation
    Ensure all claims are “backed up” with valid sources. Ensure you’re informed about multiple sides of a situation, especially if causes an intense emotional reaction.

  • Don’t misuse our services
    This includes but is not limited to using our service to “hack” or exploit; using our services for the sole purpose of wasting server resources; or using our service to spam. Do not (D)Dos our services. Do not break copyright laws or discuss criminal or unethical activities.

  • Use Common Sense
    These rules aren’t meant to be exhaustive and are subject to admin discretion. Don’t use loopholes to violate the spirit of these rules. It’s for the greater good.

Brave Space Standing

Libre Galaxy is considered a “brave space.” This differs from a “safe space” by way of being open to tough discussions insofar as they remain respectful of our Guidelines. Emotions may make it difficult to follow the Guidelines. If such is the case, refrain from engaging in such discussions.

Libre Galaxy Games Specific

These rules are applicable to our Minecraft server in particular.

  • You are held responsible for your account
    If an account is caught violating our Minecraft server rules, an argument can’t be made that it was in control of someone else (ex. “it was my brother playing on the account, not me!”).

  • You must only play with approved clients and “mods”
    They can be viewed here.

Discord Server Specific

These rules are applicable to our Discord server in particular.

Trust & Safety

  • Staff Moderation
    Libre Galaxy staff members have the final say in all matters and must be adhered to. They have the ability to, for example, stop conversation on a particular topic.

  • Abuse
    If you believe a staff member has been abusive or wrongfully assigned an infraction to you, please contact our administration team. When doing this, you should be able to provide clear proof of staff abuse or a wrongfully assigned case.

  • Other Concerns
    For any other concerns, comments, etc., please feel free to contact us. We’d love to talk with you!