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What is Ethical Technology?

Ethical technology respects users and their right to 🔒 privacy, 🛡️ security, 🎛️ control, and 🙌 freedom, typically through 📂 open source and 🤝 decentralized models. In other words, ethical technology supports human flourishing now and into the future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower people by advocating for open-source software, digital privacy and security, digital sovereignty, and the right to repair.

Open-Source Software

Software released with permissive licensing that maintains the right for anyone to redistribute it, access the source code, and remix/modify/create derivatives that do not discriminate against any person or field of endeavor.

The fact of the matter is that all software is vulnerable to varying degrees, be it open source or proprietary (“closed source”). The ability to inspect the source code allows for it to be auditable by anyone. We find that having more eyes reviewing the code—in contrast with proprietary software where, generally, only the entity that develops it can inspect it—leads to more bugs and vulnerabilities found and subsequently addressed, making it more stable and secure. Additionally, the availability of the source code and permissive licensing preserves the ability to change the code, such as increasing the longevity by way of another group picking up development. Lastly, the availability insures that the software won’t disppear over night.

Digital Privacy and Security

Keeping your digital stuff safe, such as photos and messages.

Digital Sovereignty

Using your own stuff to store and host your content instead of someone elses.

The Right to Repair

The ability to fix what you own (or bring it to someone you trust). Companies should not go out of their way to hide access to parts, documentation, diagnostic tools, schematics, etc. that hinder or outright prevent independent repair.

Why is it important?

We are deeply concerned about the negative impacts of unethical technology. The more we as a society accept it, the more it creeps into our lives. The following are some examples you may be familiar with:

  1. Software and services where YOU are the product, such as those who track your data to build an activity profile to push targeted advertisements.
  2. Algorithms that prioritize engagement (i.e. more attention = more platform profit) instead of utility and the wellbeing of their users.
  3. Software or services who change their terms, such as their end-user license agreement, where consumers must accept different terms they never agreed to (and usually don’t know about).


We create, host, and advocate for open and ethical technology and information. Help Us


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If you wish to send an email, please send it to Martin at ItsMCB.Business@gmail.com.

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DMCA requests can be sent to ItsMCB.Business@gmail.com

Abuse notices/inquiries can be sent to ItsMCB.Business@gmail.com

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